assignment 13

assignment 13

1. Who is Numanah?
Numanah is the god of the Indians. Also called "Grandfather" or "The Great Spirit". Indians think Numanah is the creator of earth.
2. What is the significance of the title?
Sacred means "heilig" in dutch. So the poem is about religion. Circle is because the author first wants to run away from indian land, than returns to indian land and than wants to run away again. The actions of the author form a circle.

3. What does the opening line remind you of in regard to religion?
The opening line"Numanah, Grandfather" reminds us of a prayer, like he wants to ask for forgiveness.

4. Look at the list of themes in assignment 12, once again, and decide which of these relate to the poem and why. Give examples from the poem to explain your answers.
 "Home" is one of the themes of assignment 12 that relates to this poem, because the writer is talking about Indian land where he used to live, but later he doesn't know what Home is anymore because he keeps moving. "Identity" is also one of the themes that relates to this poem because the person keeps running away and Indian land doesn't feel like his home anymore and it looks like he doesn't know where to go and who he is anymore.

5. What "shame" does the poet refer to?

He is ashamed for where he's from and his culture.

6. How does the idea of living in-between cultures relate to the themes mentioned in assignment 12 and use examples from the poem to explain your answer.

He doesn't know who he is and where he belongs. At the end he still doesn't know where his home is and who he is.
